
M5StickC Electronic Animated Eyes

with 2 comments

M5StickC で 電子アニメーションの目 を表示しました。      2019.05.08

M5StickC の Display は IPS ( In Plane Switching ) を使用しています。
明るく 視野角 広く 斜めから見ても とても綺麗です。

_ M5文字の A ボタンを押すと ウインクします。。
_ 2個あると 便利かと思います。

_ 詳細:M5Stack Electronic Animated Eyes:2019.05.04:M5Stack の事例と解説。

1. M5StickC_uncannyEyes.ino は ブログ最下位に記載しています。
2. screenshotToConsole.ino は ESP866_uncannyEyes からDLします。
3. defaultEye.h (eyeデーター) は ESP866_uncannyEyes からDLします。
_ 他の eyes データーも 試してみてください。
4. Arduino IDE / Tools 設定:

_ 最初のスケッチは 右目表示です。左目を作成するには 以下を変更します。
_ 行番号は編集で変化しますので目安です。

125:  M5.Lcd.setRotation(1); // 変更前
125:  M5.Lcd.setRotation(3); // 変更後
138:  uint32_t screenX, screenY, scleraXsave; の下に追加
139:  uint32_t screenX_; // add macsbug // 追加
157:  if((pgm_read_byte(lower + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX) <= lT) ||
158:     (pgm_read_byte(upper + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX) <= uT)){
157:  screenX_ = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 - screenX;
158:  if((pgm_read_byte(lower + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX_) <= lT) ||
159:     (pgm_read_byte(upper + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX_) <= uT)){
312:  eyeX = map(eyeX, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_WIDTH  - 128); // 変更前
313:  eyeY = map(eyeY, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_HEIGHT - 128); // 変更前
312:  eyeX = map(eyeX,1023,   0,0, SCLERA_WIDTH  - 128); // 変更後
313:  eyeY = map(eyeY,   0,1023,0, SCLERA_HEIGHT - 128); // 変更後

価格:1829円 ( $16.64 )
品名:2019 M5StickC ESP32 PICO Mini IoT Development Board
販売店:M5Stack Official Store

参考 及び 詳細:
_ M5StickC docs:概要(電源操作、サポート ボーレート、ピンマップ)
_ github:M5StickC Library:M5StickC ライブラリー
_ M5Stack Electronic Animated Eyes:2019.05.04:M5Stack の事例と解説。
_ M5StickC Product Documents:M5StIckC の ドキュメント
_ Run IPS SPI display on M5Stack:0.96″ IPS ST7735、1.3″ IPS ST7789。

IPS Display は ESPボードの中で 初めて M5StickC に採用されました。
表示は 明るく 視野角が広く 大変綺麗です。M5Stack より遥かに鮮やかです。
その 威力を発揮するサンプルを作成しました。
M5StickC のセンサーや 他とのインターフェースで面白い物が作れるかと思います。
スケッチの記述は 不足な所もあるかと思いますが お許し下さい。

メモ:このスケッチでの USB 5V の消費電流は 188mA です。
_  M5Stack や M5StickC の画面を綺麗に撮影する方法:M KAMERA アプリ。
_  光りを発光する M5Stack や M5StickC は カメラで綺麗に撮れませんが
_  IOS の M KAMERAを使用し マニュアルで調整すると綺麗に撮影出来ます。
_  iOS ( iPhone, iPad ) の Mカメラはマニュアルコントロール撮影が可能です。
_  ISO感度・露光時間(シャッタースピード), 焦点距離(ピント),
_  ホワイトバランス(色温度)を マニュアルで設定でき綺麗に撮影出来ます。

課題:M5StickC 2台で Electronic Animated Eyes。
_ 2台のメガネ風を作ると 目の動きが別々になり 変な人になってしまいます。
_ どう 同期を取るかが課題で ワイヤー接続が簡単かと思案中。
_ さらに バッテリー容量が少ないので 電源をどうするかです。

_ M5StickC_uncannyEyes : 2019.05.08 modify by macsbug
追記:2020.06.05:Add Down Load。
_  Down File は .pdf です )
_   DL後に File name を ( .zip ) に変更します。
_   解凍すると M5StickC_uncannyEyes_left の Folder ができます。
_  Down File は .pdf です )
_   DL後に File name を ( .zip ) に変更します。
_   解凍すると M5StickC_uncannyEyes_right の Folder ができます。

// Adapted by Bodmer to work with a NodeMCU and ILI9341 or ST7735 display.
// This code currently does not "blink" the eye!
// Library used is here:
// To do, maybe, one day:
// 1. Get the eye to blink
// 2. Add another screen for another eye
// 3. Add varaible to set how wide open the eye is
// 4. Add a reflected highlight to the cornea
// 5. Add top eyelid shaddow to eye surface
// 6. Add aliasing to blur mask edge
// With one lidded eye drawn the code runs at 28-33fps (at 27-40MHz SPI clock)
// which is quite reasonable. Operation at an 80MHz SPI clock is possible but
// the display may not be able to cope with a clock rate that high and the
// performance improvement is small. Operate the ESP8266 at 160MHz for best
// frame rate. Note the images are stored in SPI FLASH (PROGMEM) so performance
// will be constrained by the increased memory access time.

// Original header for this sketch is below. Note: the technical aspects of the
// text no longer apply to this modified version of the sketch:
// Uncanny eyes for PJRC Teensy 3.1 with Adafruit 1.5" OLED (product #1431)
// or 1.44" M5.Lcd LCD (#2088).  This uses Teensy-3.1-specific features and
// WILL NOT work on normal Arduino or other boards!  Use 72 MHz (Optimized)
// board speed -- OLED does not work at 96 MHz.
// Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
// please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
// from Adafruit!
// Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
// MIT license.  SPI FIFO insight from Paul Stoffregen's ILI9341_t3 library.
// Inspired by David Boccabella's (Marcwolf) hybrid servo/OLED eye concept.
// M5StickC_uncannyEyes : 2019.05.08 modify by macsbug
// M5Stack_uncannyEyes  : 2019.05.06 Transplant by macsbug
// Bodmer/ESP8266_uncannyEyes/ESP8266_uncannyEyes.ino
// graphics : catEye.h,terminatorEye.h,doeEye.h,naugaEye.h,newtEye.h,owlEye.h
// Electronic Animated Eyes using Teensy 3.1/3.2
// adafruit/Uncanny_Eyes :

#include <M5StickC.h>
//#include "M5StackUpdater.h" // comment out M5StickC 
//#include <driver/dac.h>     // comment out M5StickC 
// Enable ONE of these #includes for the various eyes:
#include "defaultEye.h"     // Standard human-ish hazel eye
//#include "noScleraEye.h"  // Large iris, no sclera
//#include "dragonEye.h"    // Slit pupil fiery dragon// -0x001 to 0x007F
//#include "goatEye.h"      // Horizontal pupil goat  // -0x001 to 0x007F
//#include "catEye.h"       // #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=
//#include "doeEye.h"       // #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=
//#include "terminatorEye.h"// #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=
//#include "naugaEye.h"     // #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=
//#include "newtEye.h"      // #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=
//#include "owlEye.h"       // #include <pgmspace.h>,][ to *,= to PROGMEM=

#define DISPLAY_DC      D3 // Data/command pin for BOTH displays
#define DISPLAY_RESET   D4 // Reset pin for BOTH displays
#define SELECT_L_PIN    37 // LEFT  eye chip select pin // rev M5StickC 
//#define SELECT_R_PIN    37 // RIGHT eye chip select pin // comment out M5StickC 
// INPUT CONFIG (for eye motion -- enable or comment out as needed) --------
// The ESP8266 is rather constrained here as it only has one analogue port.
// An I2C ADC could be used for more analogue channels
//#define JOYSTICK_X_PIN A0 // Analog pin for eye horiz pos (else auto)
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_PIN A0 // Analog pin for eye vert position (")
//#define JOYSTICK_X_FLIP   // If set, reverse stick X axis
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_FLIP   // If set, reverse stick Y axis
#define TRACKING          // If enabled, eyelid tracks pupil
#define IRIS_PIN       37 // Photocell or potentiometer (else auto iris)
#define IRIS_PIN_FLIP  37 // If set, reverse reading from dial/photocell
#define IRIS_SMOOTH       // If enabled, filter input from IRIS_PIN
#define IRIS_MIN      140 // Clip lower analogRead() range from IRIS_PIN
#define IRIS_MAX      160//260 // Clip upper "
#define WINK_L_PIN     37 // Pin for LEFT eye wink button // rev M5StickC 
#define BLINK_PIN      37 // Pin for blink button (BOTH eyes) // rev M5StickC 
//#define WINK_R_PIN     37 // Pin for RIGHT eye wink button // comment out M5StickC
#define AUTOBLINK         // If enabled, eyes blink autonomously

// Probably don't need to edit any config below this line, -----------------
// unless building a single-eye project (pendant, etc.), in which case one
// of the two elements in the eye[] array further down can be commented out.
// Eye blinks are a tiny 3-state machine.  Per-eye allows winks + blinks.
#define NOBLINK 0     // Not currently engaged in a blink
#define ENBLINK 1     // Eyelid is currently closing
#define DEBLINK 2     // Eyelid is currently opening
typedef struct {
  int8_t   pin;       // Optional button here for indiv. wink
  uint8_t  state;     // NOBLINK/ENBLINK/DEBLINK
  int32_t  duration;  // Duration of blink state (micros)
  uint32_t startTime; // Time (micros) of last state change
} eyeBlink;

struct {
  uint8_t     cs;     // Chip select pin
  eyeBlink    blink;  // Current blink state
} eye[] = { SELECT_L_PIN, { WINK_L_PIN, NOBLINK }//, // comment out M5StickC 
           // SELECT_R_PIN, { WINK_R_PIN, NOBLINK }  // comment out M5StickC 

#define NUM_EYES 1//2
uint32_t fstart = 0;  // start time to improve frame rate calculation at startup

// INITIALIZATION -- runs once at startup ----------------------------------
void setup(void) {
  //Wire.begin();if(digitalRead(39)==0){updateFromFS(SD);ESP.restart();}//SD UPdate
                                       // comment out M5StickC 
  uint8_t e = 0;
  //dac_output_disable(DAC_CHANNEL_1); // rev M5StickC 
  fstart = millis()-1; // Subtract 1 to avoid divide by zero later
  pinMode(37, INPUT);//pinMode(38, INPUT);pinMode(39, INPUT);

// EYE-RENDERING FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256 // 64 to 512 seems optimum = 30 fps for default eye
void drawEye( // Renders one eye.  Inputs must be pre-clipped & valid.
  // Use native 32 bit variables where possible as this is 10% faster!
  uint8_t  e,       // Eye array index; 0 or 1 for left/right
  uint32_t iScale,  // Scale factor for iris
  uint32_t scleraX, // First pixel X offset into sclera image
  uint32_t scleraY, // First pixel Y offset into sclera image
  uint32_t uT,      // Upper eyelid threshold value
  uint32_t lT) {    // Lower eyelid threshold value
  uint32_t screenX, screenY, scleraXsave;
  int32_t  irisX, irisY;
  uint32_t p, a;
  uint32_t d;
  uint32_t pixels = 0;
  uint16_t pbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // This one needs to be 16 bit
  // Set up raw pixel dump to entire screen.  Although such writes can wrap
  // around automatically from end of rect back to beginning, the region is
  // reset on each frame here in case of an SPI glitch.
  // M5.Lcd.setAddrWindow(x axis, y axis, Horizontal width, Vertical width);
  M5.Lcd.setAddrWindow ( 16, -22, 128, 128 ); // rev M5StickC 
  //if (e == 1){ M5.Lcd.setAddrWindow (192,0,128,128);} // comment out M5StickC 
  // Now just issue raw 16-bit values for every pixel...
  scleraXsave = scleraX; // Save initial X value to reset on each line
  irisY       = scleraY - (SCLERA_HEIGHT - IRIS_HEIGHT) / 2;
  for(screenY=0; screenY<SCREEN_HEIGHT; screenY++, scleraY++, irisY++) {
    scleraX = scleraXsave;
    irisX   = scleraXsave - (SCLERA_WIDTH - IRIS_WIDTH) / 2;
    for(screenX=0; screenX<SCREEN_WIDTH; screenX++, scleraX++, irisX++) {
      if((pgm_read_byte(lower + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX) <= lT) ||
         (pgm_read_byte(upper + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + screenX) <= uT)){//Covered by eyelid
        p = 0;
      } else if((irisY < 0) || (irisY >= IRIS_HEIGHT) ||
                (irisX < 0) || (irisX >= IRIS_WIDTH)) { // In sclera
        p = pgm_read_word(sclera + scleraY * SCLERA_WIDTH + scleraX);
      } else {                                          // Maybe iris...
        p = pgm_read_word(polar + irisY * IRIS_WIDTH + irisX);// Polar angle/dist
        d = (iScale * (p & 0x7F)) / 128;                // Distance (Y)
        if(d < IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT) {                       // Within iris area
          a = (IRIS_MAP_WIDTH * (p >> 7)) / 512;        // Angle (X)
          p = pgm_read_word(iris + d * IRIS_MAP_WIDTH + a);// Pixel = iris
        } else {                                        // Not in iris
          p = pgm_read_word(sclera + scleraY * SCLERA_WIDTH + scleraX);//Pixel= clear
      *(pbuffer + pixels++) = p>>8 | p<<8;
      if (pixels >= BUFFER_SIZE){yield();
   if (pixels) { M5.Lcd.pushColors(pbuffer, pixels); pixels = 0;}

// EYE ANIMATION -----------------------------------------------------------
const uint8_t ease[] = { // Ease in/out curve for eye movements 3*t^2-2*t^3
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  3,   // T
    3,  3,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  6,  7,  7,  8,  9,  9, 10, 10,   // h
   11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,   // x
   24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,   // 2
   40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,   // A
   60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80,   // l
   81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98,100,101,103,   // e
  104,106,107,109,110,112,113,115,116,118,119,121,122,124,125,127,   // c
  128,130,131,133,134,136,137,139,140,142,143,145,146,148,149,151,   // J
  152,154,155,157,158,159,161,162,164,165,167,168,170,171,172,174,   // a
  175,177,178,179,181,182,183,185,186,188,189,190,192,193,194,195,   // c
  197,198,199,201,202,203,204,205,207,208,209,210,211,213,214,215,   // o
  216,217,218,219,220,221,222,224,225,226,227,228,228,229,230,231,   // b
  232,233,234,235,236,237,237,238,239,240,240,241,242,243,243,244,   // s
  245,245,246,246,247,248,248,249,249,250,250,251,251,251,252,252,   // o
  252,253,253,253,254,254,254,254,254,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 }; // n

uint32_t timeOfLastBlink = 0L, timeToNextBlink = 0L;

void frame( // Process motion for a single frame of left or right eye
  uint32_t        iScale) {     // Iris scale (0-1023) passed in
  static uint32_t frames   = 0; // Used in frame rate calculation
  static uint8_t  eyeIndex = 0; // eye[] array counter
  int32_t         eyeX, eyeY;
  uint32_t        t = micros(); // Time at start of function
  Serial.print((++frames * 1000) / (millis() - fstart));
  Serial.println("fps");        // Show frame rate
  if(++eyeIndex >= NUM_EYES) eyeIndex = 0; // Cycle through eyes, 1 per call
 // Autonomous X/Y eye motion
      // Periodically initiates motion to a new random point, random speed,
      // holds there for random period until next motion.
  static boolean  eyeInMotion      = false;
  static int32_t  eyeOldX=512, eyeOldY=512, eyeNewX=512, eyeNewY=512;
  static uint32_t eyeMoveStartTime = 0L;
  static int32_t  eyeMoveDuration  = 0L;
  int32_t dt = t - eyeMoveStartTime;      // uS elapsed since last eye event
  if(eyeInMotion) {                       // Currently moving?
    if(dt >= eyeMoveDuration) {           // Time up?  Destination reached.
      eyeInMotion      = false;           // Stop moving
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(3000000L); // 0-3 sec stop
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of stop
      eyeX = eyeOldX = eyeNewX;           // Save position
      eyeY = eyeOldY = eyeNewY;
    } else { // Move time's not yet fully elapsed -- interpolate position
      int16_t e = ease[255 * dt / eyeMoveDuration] + 1;   // Ease curve
      eyeX = eyeOldX + (((eyeNewX - eyeOldX) * e) / 256); // Interp X
      eyeY = eyeOldY + (((eyeNewY - eyeOldY) * e) / 256); // and Y
  } else {                                // Eye stopped
    eyeX = eyeOldX;
    eyeY = eyeOldY;
    if(dt > eyeMoveDuration) {            // Time up?  Begin new move.
      int16_t  dx, dy;
      uint32_t d;
      do {                                // Pick new dest in circle
        eyeNewX = random(1024);
        eyeNewY = random(1024);
        dx      = (eyeNewX * 2) - 1023;
        dy      = (eyeNewY * 2) - 1023;
      } while((d = (dx * dx + dy * dy)) > (1023 * 1023)); // Keep trying
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(50000,150000); // ~1/14sec
                       //random(72000,144000); // ~1/ 7sec
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of move
      eyeInMotion      = true;            // Start move on next frame

// Blinking
  // Similar to the autonomous eye movement above -- blink start times
  // and durations are random (within ranges).
  if((t - timeOfLastBlink) >= timeToNextBlink) { // Start new blink?
    timeOfLastBlink = t;
    uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000); // ~1/28 - ~1/14 sec
    // Set up durations for both eyes (if not already winking)
    for(uint8_t e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) {
      if(eye[e].blink.state == NOBLINK) {
         eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
         eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
         eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    timeToNextBlink = blinkDuration * 3 + random(4000000);

  if(eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    // Check if current blink state time has elapsed
    if((t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime) >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration){
      // Yes -- increment blink state, unless...
      if((eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == ENBLINK) && // Enblinking and...
        ((digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) ||        // blink or wink held...
          digitalRead(eye[eyeIndex] == LOW)) {
        // Don't advance state yet -- eye is held closed instead
      } else { // No buttons, or other state...
        if(++eye[eyeIndex].blink.state > DEBLINK) {// Deblinking finished?
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.state = NOBLINK;     // No longer blinking
        } else { // Advancing from ENBLINK to DEBLINK mode
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration *= 2;//DEBLINK is 1/2 ENBLINK speed
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
  } else { // Not currently blinking...check buttons!
    if(digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) {
      // Manually-initiated blinks have random durations like auto-blink
      uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000);
      for(uint8_t e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) {
        if(eye[e].blink.state    == NOBLINK) {
           eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
           eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
           eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    } else if(digitalRead(eye[eyeIndex] == LOW) { // Wink!
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration  = random(45000, 90000);

  // Process motion, blinking and iris scale into renderable values
  // Iris scaling: remap from 0-1023 input to iris map height pixel units
  iScale = ((IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT + 1) * 1024) /
           (1024 - (iScale * (IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT - 1) / IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT));

  // Scale eye X/Y positions (0-1023) to pixel units used by drawEye()
  eyeX = map(eyeX, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_WIDTH  - 128);
  eyeY = map(eyeY, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_HEIGHT - 128);
  if(eyeIndex == 1) eyeX = (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128) - eyeX; // Mirrored display

  // Horizontal position is offset so that eyes are very slightly crossed
  // to appear fixated (converged) at a conversational distance.  Number
  // here was extracted from my posterior and not mathematically based.
  // I suppose one could get all clever with a range sensor, but for now...
  eyeX += 4;
  if(eyeX > (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128)) eyeX = (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128);

  // Eyelids are rendered using a brightness threshold image.  This same
  // map can be used to simplify another problem: making the upper eyelid
  // track the pupil (eyes tend to open only as much as needed -- e.g. look
  // down and the upper eyelid drops).  Just sample a point in the upper
  // lid map slightly above the pupil to determine the rendering threshold.
  static uint8_t uThreshold = 128;
  uint8_t        lThreshold, n;

  int16_t sampleX = SCLERA_WIDTH  / 2 - (eyeX / 2), // Reduce X influence
          sampleY = SCLERA_HEIGHT / 2 - (eyeY + IRIS_HEIGHT / 4);
  // Eyelid is slightly asymmetrical, so two readings are taken, averaged
  if(sampleY < 0) n = 0;
  else n = (pgm_read_byte(upper + sampleY * SCREEN_WIDTH + sampleX) +
  uThreshold = (uThreshold * 3 + n) / 4; // Filter/soften motion
  // Lower eyelid doesn't track the same way, but seems to be pulled upward
  // by tension from the upper lid.
  lThreshold = 254 - uThreshold;
#else // No tracking -- eyelids full open unless blink modifies them
  uThreshold = lThreshold = 0;
  // The upper/lower thresholds are then scaled relative to the current
  // blink position so that blinks work together with pupil tracking.
  if(eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    uint32_t s = (t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime);
    if(s >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) s = 255;// At or past blink end
    else s = 255 * s / eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration; // Mid-blink
    s          = (eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == DEBLINK) ? 1 + s : 256 - s;
    n          = (uThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
    lThreshold = (lThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
  } else {
    n          = uThreshold;
  // Pass all the derived values to the eye-rendering function:
  drawEye(eyeIndex, iScale, eyeX, eyeY, n, lThreshold);

// AUTONOMOUS IRIS SCALING (if no photocell or dial) -----------------------
#if !defined(IRIS_PIN) || (IRIS_PIN < 0)
// Autonomous iris motion uses a fractal behavior to similate both the major
// reaction of the eye plus the continuous smaller adjustments that occur.
uint16_t oldIris = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2, newIris;

void split( // Subdivides motion path into two sub-paths w/randimization
  int16_t  startValue, // Iris scale value (IRIS_MIN to IRIS_MAX) at start
  int16_t  endValue,   // Iris scale value at end
  uint32_t startTime,  // micros() at start
  int32_t  duration,   // Start-to-end time, in microseconds
  int16_t  range) {    // Allowable scale value variance when subdividing

  if(range >= 8) {     // Limit subdvision count, because recursion
    range    /= 2;     // Split range & time in half for subdivision,
    duration /= 2;     // then pick random center point within range:
    int16_t  midValue = (startValue + endValue - range)/2+random(range);
    uint32_t midTime  = startTime + duration;
    split(startValue, midValue, startTime, duration, range);//First half
    split(midValue  , endValue, midTime  , duration, range);//Second half
  } else {             // No more subdivisons, do iris motion...
    int32_t dt;        // Time (micros) since start of motion
    int16_t v;         // Interim value
    while((dt = (micros() - startTime)) < duration) {
      v = startValue + (((endValue - startValue) * dt) / duration);
      if(v < IRIS_MIN)      v = IRIS_MIN; // Clip just in case
      else if(v > IRIS_MAX) v = IRIS_MAX;
      frame(v);        // Draw frame w/interim iris scale value
#endif // !IRIS_PIN

// MAIN LOOP -- runs continuously after setup() ----------------------------
void loop() {
#if defined(IRIS_PIN) && (IRIS_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris
  uint16_t v = 512; //analogRead(IRIS_PIN);// Raw dial/photocell reading
  v = 1023 - v;
  v = map(v, 0, 1023, IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX); // Scale to iris range
#ifdef IRIS_SMOOTH // Filter input (gradual motion)
  static uint16_t irisValue = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2;
  irisValue = ((irisValue * 15) + v) / 16;
#else // Unfiltered (immediate motion)
#endif // IRIS_SMOOTH
#else  // Autonomous iris scaling -- invoke recursive function
  newIris = random(IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX);
  split(oldIris, newIris, micros(), 10000000L, IRIS_MAX - IRIS_MIN);
  oldIris = newIris;
#endif // IRIS_PIN


M5Stack , M5StickC , IPS , Electronic Animated Eyes , TFT_eSPI , ESP866_uncannyEyes , macsbug , DAC, nois , ノイズ , 綺麗 , eye ,

Written by macsbug

5月 8, 2019 @ 1:00 pm

カテゴリー: M5STACK


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  1. Unable to run. I got an error:

    M5StickC initializing…OK
    Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1)


    10月 1, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    • Thank you for visiting the blog.
      You can only listen because of lack of information.
      It should be solved by reviewing the development environment and obtaining a lot of information.


      10月 2, 2019 at 8:48 pm
